Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why The Recession Is Good For America

While I greatly sympathize with those who have lost their jobs, I too have seen a downturn in my business and a reduction of income during this downturn.  With that being said, despite all of the challenges people are facing, this recession has a silver lining and may actual prove to be helpful to America.

First, as a result of the Stimulus programs, Bailouts, and rampant Washington Spending, Americans are waking up and speaking out.  They are realizing that their so-called representatives no longer represent them.  This is why so many incumbents are being voted down in the primaries.  People are scrutinizing Washington and not liking what they see, and they are contacting their leaders to demand they stop the insanity and uncontrolled spending.  This has members of both parties scared.

Secondly, because of the recession, many lawmakers realize that they simply cannot pay for much of President Obama’s agenda.  Even though they will still try to ram it through either now or in a Lame Duck session, the money simply is not there.  While things like the Health Care Bill and Financial Overhaul have passed, much of their implementations have stalled.  Cap and Trade, and other expensive bills are in doubt of being passed because the money is not there for them.

Lastly, this has been the most far-reaching recession since the 1930’s.  Like then, people are now realizing what it really means to struggle.  They are being forced to step up and handle adversity.  They are learning the value of multiple skills and job cross training.  There is an old saying, “You learn more from losing.”  People are learning from their mistakes.  Despite their hardships they are moving forward and undoubtedly will be stronger for it.  Those who insist on relying on the Nanny State and not taking any steps to improve themselves will stay there until they decide to change.

In the end, people go broke in good times, and people get rich in bad times.  Through difficulties opportunities arise.  I think now is a time to look for the opportunities and stop looking for the bailouts.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last Black WWII Medal Of Honor Winner Dies

Vernon Baker, the last surviving Black Medal of Honor Recipient from WWII, died on Tuesday this week after losing his battle with brain cancer.

In 1997, Vernon Baker was the lone survivor among just seven black soldiers selected to receive the nation's highest award for battlefield valor 52 years after the war ended. 

Baker led his men through heavy fire and minefields after his commander abandoned him and his troops.  At the time, some felt, because the units were segregated, the blacks couldn’t fight.   Military segregation was implemented by Woodrow Wilson in 1913.  When Baker tried to join the Army in 1941, a recruiter told him there was no quota for enlisting "you people."

No black soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II, although Baker did receive the Distinguished Service Cross, the Army's second-highest award for bravery.  In 1993, Army officials contacted Shaw University, a historically black college in Raleigh, N.C., to study whether there was a racial disparity in the way Medal of Honor recipients were selected.

The study concluded that the political climate and common Army practices guaranteed that no black soldier would ever receive the award. The researchers recommended that 10 soldiers receive the medal, and the Army chose seven from that list.  But since the statutory limit for presentation had expired, Congress was required to pass legislation that allowed the president to award the Medals of Honor.

Even though he received his duly earned award late, it was in fact earned.  I appreciate his service to our country, and pray for him and his family.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

President Obama's Private Army

Do you remember when President Obama said we needed a Civilian Defense force outside of the military that is as strong and as equally trained?  Well here it is:

"Secretary Clinton Announces Civilian Response Corps Reaches 1,000 Members at Its Two-Year Anniversary Mark"

The Civilian Response Corps brings together civilian federal employees who are specially trained and equipped to deploy rapidly to prevent conflict or provide post-conflict and stabilization assistance to countries in crisis or emerging from conflict. Composed of both Active and Standby components, the Corps is an innovative partnership that leverages a wide range of expertise and experience from an unprecedented partnership of federal departments and agencies: Department of State; U.S. Agency for International Development; and Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and Justice. 

If we have a military why do we need a Civilian Response Corps?  Answer, the military is sworn to uphold the constitution, the CRP reports to the Secretary of State, who works for the President. This is just the groundwork for Obama's own private army.

Read the Full Story Here:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We Are Celebrating INDEPENDENCE DAY, NOT The 4th Of July!!!

With the holiday weekend upon us, I can’t help to notice the denigration of the holiday.  Many people and advertisements keep saying "Happy 4th of July"  The 4th July is NOT a federally recognized holiday.  It is the date chosen to celebrate Independence Day.  Many men and women died to give and preserve our Independence.  We don't say "Happy 25th of December" for Christmas, or "Happy 14th of February" for St. Valentines Day. 
Independence Day represents the birth of our country. It is also a day to remember the principles of the founding fathers of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. Life is precious for all, regardless if they are in the womb, or nearing the end of life. Liberty is the cornerstone of our country. Without it we cease to be Americans.  Happiness is not a right or guarantee, it is the result of the pursuit of a worthy goal or cause.  Each person must define and pursue their own happiness and not rely on government or anyone else to provide it for them.  Unfortunately, the progressives of today would rather we subject ourselves to government rule to the extent that government is used instead of faith and religion.  Where in the past we would turn to god in tough times, the progressives have made it that we ask government for bailouts and stimulus packages in tough times.   This is very far from what the founders envisioned. 
It is time we learned to rely on ourselves and declare our Independence from government intrusion.  It is time to bring honor back to our country, and give thanks that we live in the greatest country on the planet. We must also thank those who served to protect these ideals, and who have died in defending them.  Our service men and women and veterans deserve a great deal of respect.  Give thanks today, and remember to say "Happy Independence Day"
God Bless America

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Solution To Illegal Immigration

Many people are condemning Arizona for its immigration which really only does 1 thing: It gives police the ability to ask about citizenship status in the conduct of NORMAL police activities. Which means, that if you get pulled over in a traffic stop and don’t have a license they can ask for citizenship status. It does nothing more. In fact, it has far more limitations on it than the federal law for which it is modeled after.
Since people don’t like the Arizona Law, and are fighting any new comprehensive immigration reform, I suggest we adopt the exact same immigration policy enacted in Mexico.
A few weeks ago Mexican President Felipe Calderon condemned the Arizona immigration law as racial discrimination. But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Why not here?)
Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals. (Why not here?)
The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," violate Mexican law, are not "physically or mentally healthy" or lack the "necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents. (Why not here?)
In Mexico, non-citizens are not even allowed to buy property. Americans who “buy” property in Mexico are given a 99 year lease instead of a deed of ownership.
In the end, we need to do something. If we can not agree on an American Solution, then lets adopt the Mexican legislation exactly as written.

For more information on the laws of Mexico I suggest going here:
For more of this story you can read here:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Flag Day June 14th 2010

On June 14th 1777 the Stars and Stripes originated as a result of a resolution adopted by the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress at Philadelphia.  The resolution read:

“Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue filed representing a new constellation.”

The laws relating to the flag of the United States of America are found in detail in the United States Code.  Title 4, Chapter 1 pertains to the flag and seal, set of Government and official territorial papers; Section 700 Title 18, Chapter 33 pertains to the desecration of the flag and penalties; Title 36, chapter 1 pertains to patriotic and national observance.  These laws were supplemented by Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations.

The Flag is more than a piece of cloth.  It is a symbol of freedom and of hope.  More people flee their home countries to America than to any other country in the world.  We are known as the land of opportunity.  The Fag, also, is a testament to those who gave their lives defending it and the “Republic for which it stands.”  When this flag is flown, by ship, by plane, or by vehicle, the world knows that the fighters of freedom are there to help.  Our friends flee to it, and our enemies run from it.  It is a symbol of greatness.  Can you imagine a world in which there were no America to which people could run to???

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Republicans Prove To Be The Party Of Diversity.

The Primary races are showing an increase in diversity in the Republican Party. In Tuesdays Primary Elections, California Republicans proved to be he party of diversity and inclusion.  Republicans voted for two outsider women to the two highest offices in the state, with Meg Whitman getting the nomination for Governor and Carly Fiorina earning the chance to go up against Sen. Barbara Boxer.  Mimi Walters was also nominated for Treasurer.  The Republicans also nominated the appointed incumbent Abel Maldonado, a Latino, for Lt. Governor, and Damon Dunn, an African American for Secretary of State.  It isn’t until you get to the Controller’s position before you find a white male nominated.  Compare that to the Democrat ticket, where you will find mostly white males, and almost all of them insider career politicians or government employees.  The top two targets being Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer.
Then when you look at some of the national races where you have another woman, Sharron Angle, going against Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada, and Nikki Haley in South Carolina for Governor, it is important to note that there is a strong up tick of conservative women running for office.  Many thank Sarah Palin, who ran for V.P. with John McCain, for opening the door for strong conservative women to enter the field.  Regardless of how you feel about the so called “Palin Effect,” the left can no longer call the Republican Party the party of a bunch of “Old White Guys
There are also several Latinos running for congress as Republicans. Marco Rubio is probably the most known name of the several Latinos running for Congress nationwide.   The Latino numbers should not be discounted.
In addition to the women and Latinos, African Americans are also making major strides in the GOP.  We already know about Michael Steele, the first black Chairman of the GOP.  But what very few people know is that at least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans, the biggest surge since Reconstruction, according to party officials.
I could go on and on covering different races and ethic groups, but it cannot be denied that the Republican Party has become a lot more diverse in recent years. And those on the left who want to make them out to be racist, are in fact promoting their own racism.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Democrats Have More in Common with Nazi's Than Republicans Do

What does it really mean when you call someone a Nazi? If you type in the word “Nazi” into the German to English translation tool on this website, you get the following translation:

n. Nazi; national-socialist, member of the German National Socialist Party that governed in Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler from 1933-1945

I am getting sick and tired of the left trying to equate the Republican Party with the Nazi party, when in reality the Democrats have more in common with Nazi’s than the Republicans ever will. I suggest you take the time to read this whole article before you make and uninformed, opinionated comment.

Let’s take a look at the true history of these similarities: First of all Woodrow Wilson, one of the early leaders of the Progressive movement in the US, enhanced racial segregation in the military. This set back much of the progress that had been made following the Civil War. It should also be noted that Blacks fought in the Revolution and Civil Wars in exchange for their freedom.

One of Hillary Clinton's heros is Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, as well as a leading advocate for legalized birth control, was also a know eugenicist. Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, a social philosophy which claims that human hereditary traits can be improved through social intervention. Sanger's eugenic policies ran to an exclusionary immigration policy, free access to birth control methods and full family-planning autonomy for the able-minded, and compulsory segregation or sterilization for the profoundly retarded.

Many know of Adolf Hitlers genocide against the Jews during WWII, as well as his desire for Germany to be a “Master Race”. But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.

Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German official and scientists.

Hitler studied American eugenics laws. He tried to legitimize his anti-semitism by medicalizing it, and wrapping it in the more palatable pseudo-scientific facade of eugenics. Hitler was able to recruit more followers among reasonable Germans by claiming that science was on his side. While Hitler's race hatred sprung from his own mind, the intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were made in America. Rockefeller and Carnegie even made donations to various German research facilities to further eugenics research. To learn more of this connection read “The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics”, written by Edwin Black and posted on George Mason University’s History New Network.

Under another Progressive Democrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, hundreds of thousands of Japanese were rounded up and put into internment camps, much in the way the Germans rounded up the Jews. Many of those arrested were rounded up simply because of their ancestry. In many cases, these were descendants Japanese immigrants several generations deep. Many didn’t even know how to speak Japanese. As we move into present day, the resurgence of Socialist Progressive thought is beginning to encroach on our liberties. Already, the government is trying to silence dissenting thought and speech. The White House’s “War On Fox News” is and attempt at censorship straight up. Can you imagine if George Bush had a “War on MSNBC”? People would be outraged. There is also the attempt to discredit the Tea Party movement, which I must say have been very peaceful and without any destruction or violence. Unfortunately, this can’t be said about the Arizona Immigration protests, where we saw a law enforcement officer hit in the head with a water bottle, as he was trying to protect the protesters.

Then we have the takeover of the auto industry, banks, with attempts to take over wall street, as well as the insurance and health care industries. Further, there are more mandates coming at us: fines for not having health care, restrictions on the types of foods available, limits on salt content, etc. It is expected that cap and trade is coming in the near future. This will raise energy costs and limit travel, further restricting our mobility. So to the Liberals out there, the next time you want to call someone a Nazi, remember you are calling them a socialist. Also, it should also be known, that all of the dictators and despots in the world currently, such as Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong IL, Hu Jintao, and others are either Communist or Socialist Dictators. I am not seeing any right-wing fanatic dictators, who follow the Republican Conservative model, in the world right now.

Just thought I should point this out. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Discrimination On The U.S. Supreme Court

It has often been said that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. We need a little diversity in our lives and a break from the routine.  The same can be said about losing the diversity of knowledge and diverse perspectives that people from other institutions can provide. The majority of the Supreme Court Judges should not all be Ivy League graduates.

Over the last several years, many have been focusing on ethnic and gender diversity as deciding factors for Supreme Court Nominees. I am of the opinion that Supreme Court decisions may be considered biased, due to their common Ivy League education. This amounts to what I would call educational discrimination, by limiting the Court to Ivy League Graduates. Some might also call it elitist.

The following applies to Kagan, just as it did to Sotomajor.

Obamas Appointment of Sotomayor Fails to Offer Educational Diversity to Court.

Sotomayor and Kagan do not offer true diversity to our Supreme Court. The potential power of Sotomayor’s diversity as a Latina Woman, from a disadvantaged background, loses its strength because her Yale Law degree does not offer educational diversity to the current mix of sitting Judges. Nor does Kagan's Harvard law degree. Once Sotomayor walked through the Gates of Princeton and then Yale Law School, she became educated by the same Professors that have educated the majority of our current Supreme Court Justices, and our Presidents. The same applies to Kagans Princeton to Harvard track.

Diversity in education is extremely important. We need to look for diversity in our ideas, and if our leaders are from the same educational background, they lose the original power of their ethnic and gender diversity. The ethnic and gender diversity many of our current leaders possess no longer brings a plethora of new ideas, only the same perspective they learned from their common Ivy League education. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Ones character is often developed by the education they receive.

One example of the common education problem is that a former lecturer at Yale, Judge Frank, who developed the philosophy of Legal Realism, has heavily influenced Yale’s Law School. Frank argued that Judges should not only look at the original intent of the Constitution, but they should also bring in outside influences, including their own experiences in order to determine the law. This negative interpretation has influenced both Conservatives and Liberals graduating from Yale. It has been said that Legal Realism has infested Yale Law School and turned lawyers into political activists. A generation of appointees with either a Harvard or Yale background has the potential to distort the proper interpretation of our Constitution. America needs to decentralize the power structure away from the Ivy League educated individual and gain from the knowledgeable and diverse perspectives that people from other institutions can provide. We should appoint Supreme Court Justices educated from amongst a wider group of Americas Universities.

Here is a list of where each Justice got their Law Degrees from:


Chief Justice John Roberts
Anthony Kennedy
Antonin Scalia
Stephen Breyer
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Harvard, Columbia)


Samuel Alito – Yale JD 1975
David Souter
Clarence Thomas – Yale JD 1974
Sonia Sotomayor – Yale JD 1979

Northwestern Law School

Justice John Paul Stevens (retiring)

The Presidents we have elected for the last twenty years have, themselves, been Harvard or Yale educated. This has the potential to create an even more closed minded interpretation of our laws.

Yale – Bush Sr. – 4 years as president

Yale Law – Clinton – 8 years as president

Yale – Bush, Jr. – 8 Years as president

Harvard Law – Obama – current president (potentially 4-8 years)

When we consider that our Nation has potentially twenty – eight years of Presidential influence from these two Universities, as Americans, we should look long and hard at the influence Yale and Harvard have exerted on our nation’s policies. Barack Obama promised America Change, but he has continued the same discriminatory policy by appointing a Yale graduate over many qualified candidates that graduated from other top Colleges and Universities in America.

I think it is time to have, not only ethnic and gender diversity on the court, but educational diversity as well.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Elena Kagan Should Not Be Confirmed To THe Supreme Court

We need a Supreme Court Justice with experience in application of the law, not just an academic view of it.

While most people cite Elana Kagan having never been a judge as a reason to disqualify her, I do not think that is the only reason. In fact, I really believe we need non-judges on the court, just like we have needed minorities and women on it. Personally I would love to see a strong constitutional attorney or a member of the military’s Judge Advocate General Corps appointed to the Supreme Court. The retiring Justice Stevens is the last member of the court to have served in the military. With all of the terror trials still looming, and whether federal vs. military trials should be used, I think we need a judge with some military experience.

When you look at Elena Kagan’s record she only has 2 years with a law firm. She spent to years clerking for judges, and until she became solicitor general, she has spent her entire time in legal academia, from University of Chicago as a professor, to Harvard Law Professor, to Dean of Harvard Law School. She has spent very little time trying cases, or writing any substantive works regarding any aspect of the law. The only issue she has really made herself a name for was getting the military kicked out of Harvard Law School. Her opinion on the law is a virtual secret.

Elena Kagan isn’t inexperienced because she was never a judge; she is inexperienced because she hasn’t done anything of significance outside of academia.