The Federal Budget for FY 2011 is due this Friday. Please Note: This is the budget that was supposed to have passed by Oct of 2010. They could have passed it easily with both houses of Congress and the Presidency. So why didn’t they? Because, they wanted to avoid facing any tough questions/criticisms in the 2010 elections. Because of this, we have now had several Continuing Resolutions (CR) to keep the government open. Fortunately, the last two have reduced some spending by a miniscule amount.
In Historic fashion, President Obama and the Liberals in Congress want to shutdown the government so they can continue to spend YOUR money while blaming Republicans. This game was played in 1992 and the American People fell for it. Not This Time!! It’s long past time for Obama and the Democrats to stop playing political games and, instead, get busy working with Republicans to solve America’s economic problems. The Democrats, especially Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), have been stonewalling, delaying and condemning the Republican’s Budget, while offering NOTHING of their Own. They think they can rerun the 1992 playbook again. They are also out in force. as was predicted, calling the plan “Extreme” as Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) said was the committee’s plan. They are trying to frame the cuts as hurting children, education, and seniors. It is not going to work this time. The American People are smarter than that.
For the Record, by the end of his first term, President Obama and the Democrats will have added more debt to the nation than ALL 43 Presidents before him combined. Even what the Republicans have planned for FY 2011 is not enough. To illustrate, President Obama has taken us from 1 to 3 in spending (just as a scale.) The Republicans are only trying to bring it back to 2.75 at best.
Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wis) has put out a budget plan that, while not perfect, will at least address the serious issues we are facing. It will also help preserve many of the social safety nets out there, and still get us back to a sustainable path. You can watch his 3-min video HERE.
The point is, George Bush took us from $3 to $6 Trillion in debt in 8 years. President Obama has taken us from $6 to $14+ Trillion in just over 2 years. The projection is for that to double within 6 years if he is re-elected and nothing changes. We MUST stop the madness NOW. Please contact your elected representatives and encourage them to stop spending money that they do not have.
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